Update 8: New scan results; ‘doing the thing’ in 24hrs; a new life
TLDR: Scans = good. Not a ton of progress, but no growth; phase 3 of healing protocol is ‘mind body’ connection; my new life will be focused on helping others get my clarity, drive, and performance, without my disease; 24 hours until we depart for Supply Run

The sections:
- Section 1: Cancer Updates
- Section 2: Have Ideas. Do Them. Updates
- Section 3: Uncharted Spirits Updates
- Section 4: Teaquila Farm Updates
- Section 5: Mavericks Training Updates
- Section 6: Your thoughts & feedback
- Section 7: Links to Posts I’ve Written
(1) Cancer
- Scan Updates: Last Monday I had my 8mo scans. The good news is, the tumors have shrunk a bit more. Not a lot, but enough. I.e, no growth. Grateful. Unfortuntately, I still don’t have a solution for ‘scanxiety’. This time it lasted from Sunday @ 12pm PT through to Tuesday at 12pm PT. That’s 3 days of debilitating anxiety with dips in depression. It’s fucking hard...
- ...But A Mental Fortitude Path Is Visible: Developing mental fortitude has been a focus since December. I used the 3mos between scans to learn more about this process. I feel much much more educated on how to install and use it. It’s now time to install it in my life. The next 3mos will be installation of the practices that will give me the mental fortitude I need. I feel grateful that my cancer is ‘paused’ to give me some time to get this in place.
- My ‘Hit By A Bus’ Is Different: People have said to me often, ‘Yeah, but you or anyone could get hit by a bus today.’ That’s a very acute death. If you ever want to know what this really like, think about getting hit by a bus...but you are outside of your body, watching yourself step into the street, in slow-mo, and it feels like you can’t do anything about it. Nothing worse than feeling like you’re watching your own death in slow mo.
- Savoring The Last Bite: A friend of Stacie’s sent her a message about life being like a bag of candy (sour patch kids for me ;)). When we’re younger we rush through the bag and when we see only 3 pieces left we all of a sudden slow down try to savor those last few pieces. So much truth to this. So how can we slow down and savor every year of life vs just the final few, especially when the question is...
- ...But Is It The 4th Quarter?: Technically, we’re all living in the 4th quarter of life, but for most of you reading this you might assume you’re in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd...whereas for me, I’m now always in the 4th, wondering how much time is on the clock. So while I want to savor the last few pieces of candy in the bag, I also want to get the time to eat it all! How do I savor the pieces AND play with the game on the line? Working on it. Will share more as I learn more.
- Phase 3 Healing: Diagnosis was phase 1, which I label ‘pull the emergency cord and see if we can survive’. Phase 2 was simply ‘stabilize & get some breathing room'. Phase 3 is ‘install final healing protocol.’ It’ll consist of final food/fitness/physical optimizations and now add in the mental / mind body connection. There’s so much science around the mind body connection that it’s my last protocol to install. You will be seeing more content around this in coming months, starting with the following steps to creating my new life...
(2) Has Ideas. Does Them.
- Speaking: I’m speaking at SaaStock Austin on June 1. The audience is founders, executives, VCs, etc in the tech space. All of them want to improve something in their lives and business. My title will simply be, ‘How To Get My Clarity, Drive, & Performance Without My Disease.’ This is already opening the door to more speaking ops around this. Will share the presentation once it’s complete.
- And Coaching: I’ve already had a handful of founders reach out about this. I feel like it’s a good sign that what I’ve been talking about / documenting is helpful to others. I’m hoping I can help others improve their performance and happiness without getting what I have. The hope is to start with the beta group in June after the speaking event and the 1/2 Ironman. If you’re interested in being a part of the beta, let me know.
(3) Uncharted Spirits Updates
- Before I Die: Supply Run Himalayas starts now. My brother, Jake, and I have been working on this concept for like 12 years. When I got diagnosed I told him, ‘I just want to live long enough to get at least ONE of these done.’ Well, I’ll at least get one done. If I continue to improve, I might get a few more, but nothing is guaranteed. This is the most authentic thing for me, which is a big part of healing.
- Sponsored: Apparently the Supply Run concept Resonated. In short order, we were able to generate a ton of gear sponsorship from some great brands, including Mountain Hardwear, Huckberry, Levels Health, Global Rescue, and Wild Planet Foods. Great experience, but more stoked on the possibilities moving forward. Plus, it gave us some legit street cred. It was too short of time frame to decide for REI, but they said, 'dang, that's a great list of brands!' Sweetness.
- Still Not Sure What This Is?: It's a TV show we’ll eventually pitch to networks. On the show, we deliver much needed supplies to remote villages around the world. This first one is in the Himalayas of northern India. Supplies include climbing ropes, solar water heaters, and a yak...yes, a yak. There’s actually a few storylines, so it’s easier to learn about it here...
- Ends Today, Push Us Over The Line?: We did a Kickstarter for this. It’s the easiest place to see wtf I’m talking about. Today is the last day to contribute. We’d love to have your contribution to help us reach the stretch goal, but I have no expectations. At the very least, take a look at the concept of the project...
Go here to see wtf this thing is: https://unchrt.com/kick
- Watch Here: If you want to watch the trip / show filming unfold, we’ll be documenting everything here...
(4) Teaquila Farm Updates
- Longevity Design: Stacie and I have landed on this theme for TF. My situation, her new job, and our collective ‘North Star’ (more on this later) has made TF so incredibly purpose-driven for us.
- Building While I’m Gone: Building TF doesn’t stop while I’m gone! She’ll be succession planting, prepping her cut flower field, and taking care of the vegetable crops. The rain in SoCal has turned TF into an incredibly green, growing space we never seen. Can’t wait to see what it looks like when I return.
(5) Training for Mavericks Updates
- Ironman Training: It’s going great, but the concern is about how much strength / endurance I’ll lose while on Supply Run. Sean, my trainer, is giving me some ‘hotel workouts’ (tent workouts? Haha) to complete while on the road. We’ll see how that goes. When I return I have ~45 days to prep for the race in Kona on June 3rd. Doing all of this for Mavericks training, which scares the shit out of me!
(6) Your Thoughts, Feedback, and Involvement
Here’s my ask of you today...
- Please look at our KS link and consider contributing. If you can’t contribute, no worries, can you share it with 3 friends you think find this project interesting?
Reminder, it ends tonight.
Here's the link again: https://unchrt.com/kick
Preciate you.
Reminder: I’m publicly documenting this journey to help others and I’m going all in. If I didn’t go all all in, I’d just handle this in private. My belief, though, is that being public will help me leave this planet a bit better than I found it.
You’re gonna die.
Have Ideas. Do Them.
Links to one my writings since last newsletter:
• Dive In - March