No. 10: scan updates; sustainably YOLO’ing; Supply Run trailer & premiere; mental eliteness
No. 10 TLDR: scan results were good-ish, small non-urgent growth in brain tumors, but 30% reduction in lung tumor; final & biggest swing at Uncharted Spirits; teaching ‘Sustainable YOLO’; Supply Run trailer linked below; more mentally elite, next metabolic & physical;

The sections
- Section 1: Cancer Updates
- Section 2: Becoming Elite Updates
- Section 3: Uncharted Spirits Updates
- Section 4: Teaquila Farm Updates
- Section 5: Mavericks Updates
- Section 6: Your thoughts, feedback, and involvement
(1) Cancer
- Viral Is Wild: I posted this video about a month ago. It was just a context video of what to expect from here on out. Well, it apparently hit home. It went viral on Instagram. As of this writing, it has 4.9 million views. Damn. With it came a lot of love from strangers. Thank you. Welcome to all you new subscribers. I promise to bring as much value as I can with whatever time I have left.
- Scan Update: Last scans were in mid-October. They were good-ish. I have 9 lesions in the brain. Scans showed slight increase in size in 5 of 9. One of them is slightly concerning, but not urgent. I received the brain MRI first and panicked for a bit, but I gathered myself, did some walking mental work, changed my energy from fear to peace. Amazingly, a few hours later I got the PET back and the lung tumor reduced by 30%-50% (depending on the doc you talk to). The doc said, ‘um, we really don’t see this happening much at all and don’t have any idea as to why this happened.’ That’s actually what I wanted to hear. I only changed one thing and it was not food or exercise. So I have a hunch, but I’m going to wait to explain my hunch for another time. I’m sitting is this ‘good-ish’ news for now, but I’m already prepping metabolically, physically, and mentally for my next scans.
- Born For This: A big part of the mental work I do, is changing the thought patterns on this journey. The mental work has saved me from the depths of depression. One of the changes I made was going from the thought, ‘fuck, I’ve wasted my time here’ to ‘I was born for this shit!’. No, I never wanted to be born for this reason, but I’m learning to embrace it and that shift gives me energy and hope which is way better than depression and fear.
- Death: Even though I’m still alive, something has still died: The Old Self. We live our years creating & cementing thought patterns that develop us into the person we are today. With this journey, I have been completely pattern-interruptted. I’ve been able to shed so much of my ‘bad past’ and it’s amazing. But with it, I’ve also had to shed some of the things I loved. And so there is this death of the old life, some of which I/we loved and miss. It’s a struggle, but I know that this new life is much better than the old one. But I/we still grieve the old life. More on this at another time.
- I’m Free: Part of the new life is realizing that it is actually going to save lives. I say that at the end of the viral context video. I truly believe that. I believe I can help people prevent getting what I got (or another chronic illness) and/or help them take the foot off the brake and put it on the gas so they build the thing they’re building and get the high of YOLO’ing...sustainably (more on this below).
(2) Becoming Elite Updates
- The Audience: I’m building Becoming Elite for those who want to maximize this life and build the things they believe can impact the world. I believe what I’m doing in this space will take top performers to a new level. My hope is that I have time to see it come to fruition. Here’s how I’m doing it. First I have to become...
- Mentally Elite: I’ve worked on this for 2-3 hours per day for the last 4.5 months. It’s made all the difference in this healing journey. We have 70k thoughts per day, 95% are the same as yesterday, the majority (80%?) are negative. ID’ing the thoughts that don’t serves us, breaking them, replacing them, rewiring them is the key to pretty much everything else in life. I have a foundation, now it’s on to a foundation of...
- Metabolically Elite: Food & environment is medicine. Our bodies have the medication, we just need to make sure it is in the most optimal state to access the right chemicals to make the changes. I have a small foundation set here, but will be documenting more including my bloodwork, how food changes it, and how we optimizing the environment. Simultaneously, I’ll be continuing...
- Physically Elite: Muscle building, cardiovascular fitness, mobility all play a role in healing and are deeply connected to both the mental & metabolic optimization. You’ll be seeing how I optimize these areas to not only heal but compete: spartan races, triathlons, surfing, etc.
- Speaking: With all of this public documentation, I have been asked to speak at a few conferences. I love doing this. I had planned to do this at one point in my life, I just didn’t think cancer would drive it. Regardless, the few I’ve done / tested showed me that a) the message hits and b) I have the skills to be good at it. If you need a speaker for an event, let me know.
- Podcasts: I’ve also been asked to be on a few more podcasts to teach about this journey and what I’m learning so that we can use this experience to help others. I did one with Dom D’Agostino a few weeks back, should be coming out soon. I have 3 more scheduled next week, one with REI and then 2 others around performance. I’m doing as many as I can to get the message out so if you know someone who needs a guest, please connect.
- Coaching: I took on a few performance coaching clients as a test....a ‘beta group’. We’re coming to the end of that time and, I think, we’re making some good progress. At least, from my seat I see these clients putting the foot on the gas. They’ve told me as well, but I’ll let them tell you themselves with a video testimonial. Will be doing a 2nd group starting in January. If you want to be considered for that, email me back.
- Teaching & Training: My day job is teaching managers, AEs, BDRs in the tech space how to manage and sell better. I fucking love it. I get energized by teaching. It’s amazing how you can connect the dots backwards and see how that experience is leading me to teaching how to ‘become elite.’ I did my first digital training/teaching last week about becoming elite. Good start. I have another one I’m doing next week for a company called Demandbase. I will be doing more of these. If you’re interested joining a future training (I do them for free right now), email back and I’ll add you to the notification list.
(3) Uncharted Spirits (UCS) Updates
- Last Swing: This is it for us. We’ve been working on the idea of UCS 15 years. This is the last big swing. If we don’t experience the traction (measurement TBD) we need to have, then I’ll be doing it for just some fun (vs build a business out of it). I feel relief from that. All my energy is going into UCS & Supply Run for the next 90ish days, then we’ll see if we keep going.
- Supply Run Himalayas Premiere: We believe Supply Run is the best iteration we’ve ever had. After all the previous attempts we’d say, ‘naw, just not quite right.’ This one, though, we don’t know how to improve the concept. Yes, we can improve the quality of the concept, but not the concept itself. That said, the editor is in the middle of editing the 10 episodes. We’re doing a premiere of all 10 episodes at my house in Ventura on 12/16/23. And, then...
- Supply Run Himalayas Launch: On 12/17/23 we start to drop one episode at a time. All episodes are less than 10min and the final episode will be dropped on 1/7/24.
- Supply Run Himalayas Trailer: Oh, and we have a trailer, but we’ve only been showing those close to us because the trailer is actually for out bounding to companies for sponsorship of future Supply Runs. But we’re excited to share it here. Click this link to watch it.
- The Sustainable YOLO: Lastly, we created a podcast (goes live next Tuesday). Yes, another one out there, but it is different. How do we know? Because people have been telling us that this idea of ‘sustainable yolo’ is hitting. So we are documenting, learning, and teaching how to ‘sustainable yolo’ through this life. More on that on the show, watch the Insta for where to listen.
(4) Teaquila Farm Updates
- All In On Flowers: We used to want to grow food and flowers for longevity...but we’ve realized focusing on flowers is really what we should be doing. So that’s what we’re doing. It’s now a flower farm and that’s it. And the niche is flowers for healing / mental health / happiness, etc.
- Season 1 Recap: We were fucking around and finding out. And we like what we experienced. Stacie is a natural at design (fashion was her past life) and flowers suit her well. She had a few monthly clients, a few ‘you picks’, a few events. All of it was testing to see a) what made her happiest, b) what seemed easiest to fulfill and, c) profitable...aka what can sustain the business (this one was more for me haha).
- Season 2 Prep: We have a few other product ideas for flowers that we think would work so we’ll be testing those in season 2. Additionally, we’re doubling the flower field systems & production. In fact, the sooner I finish this the sooner I can start working on the farm today.
- Building Something Together: Oh, and we’ll have a podcast, too. Another?! Yes. People keep asking about how we keep building in this journey. Well, it’s healing us and keep us grounded. So we’re going to be open about how we’re ‘building something together.’ That’ll be started, likely, in mid-December.
(5) Mavericks Updates
- Surf Ranch: Wow. What an experience. More importantly, what a gift. My friend Natalie (& husband, Steve) who I hadn’t talked to in 15 years, gifted me/us a weekend at the Surf Ranch. Always wanted to go, but couldn’t prioritize as we dealt with his diagnosis...but Natalie made it happen. It was legitimately one of the few days of the last 15mos where I forgot about cancer. I felt old Chad, the one we call ‘Charger Chad’ and ‘Carefree Chad’. I’m still thinking about it. I have photos and videos coming, they’re fun. Thanks you Natalie & Steve, I still feel the peace.
- Physical Fitness: That said, I realized while there how far I have to go to surf Mavs. For one, my technical skills need to improve, but I also need to be better physically, which is part of the physical eliteness list above. I will be enlisting my trainer, Sean, to help me build this. If he’s reading this, this the first time he’s being made aware that he’s helping me haha.
- Winter Swell: Now we just need the winter swell to hit. It’s supposed to be El Niño, which bodes well for surf...but I can sure do with out the rain and clouds. I moved here for perfect weather and nothing else! Spoiled, I know.
(6) Your Thoughts, Feedback, and Involvement
Here’s my ask of you today...
- The only thing that matters to me is creating value for the world. One of the ways I do that is through teaching. I love teaching sales ‘stuff’ at Winning by Design and it has prepared me for teaching about mental performance. I will be doing a training on this ‘mental work’ sometime in January. If you want me to add you to the notification list for that training (it’s free), just sign up for the newsletter and I'll notify you when it's scheduled.
Reminder: I’m publicly documenting this journey to help others and I’m going all in. If I didn’t go all all in, I’d just handle this in private. My belief, though, is that being public will help me leave this planet a bit better than I found it.
You’re gonna die.
Do what you say you’re going to do.