Update 2: Have ideas. Do them.

TLDR: Shifting priorities.

Update 2: Have ideas. Do them.

You likely don't care about the career stops, but it's important to understand the message at the bottom

Stop 1: Real estate sales...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Excelled at a new home builder, then went solo and sold $10M in my first full year, then hit the Great Recession. I went up with the boom, down with the crash.

Stop 2: Inside sales for a startup...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Excelled at sales process/scripting creation and execution. Learned & gained the most experience here. Earning potential embellished, I end up losing money.

Stop 3: Build Ecommerce agency...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Built the start of something great, worked with brands like MVMT Watches, Blenders Eyewear, others cool brands. Stop 2 limited my runway and I didn’t have other outside resources. Had to sell to my partner.

Stop 4: Built partner program at Klaviyo...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Thing I’m most proud of in my career. Chased title and much bigger salary.

Stop 5: CMO of payments company with new technology...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Banking on huge payout, but technology never materialized. Transitions into a turnaround company. Pandemic hits.

Stop 6: Build Ecommerce consulting company...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. Bootstrapped and on pace for $500k in first full year. Business partner (& brother) has stroke while surfing. We shut it down. *He’s fully recovered now.

Stop 7: SaaS sales consulting & training with Winning by Design to pay bills & fund building Revflow. Still current.

Stop 8: Build Revflow payments company...to start collecting funding for a ‘world exploration company’. A new disruption has emerged, likely shutting it down.

What’s wrong with this timeline?

We have less time than we think.

Not doing the thing you intended to do is the ultimate waste of life, especially if you really believe it’s your life’s purpose or mission.

Priorities are shifting quickly.

I don’t know what it actually looks like or how we (my brother & business partner Jake Vanags) will actually build it...

...but I’m finally making Uncharted Spirits my priority before it’s too late.

Have ideas. Do them.
